Why It Is Not Easy To Select Best-Fit Seismic-Sensor Device?


Seismic sensor devices will measure vibrations. The process to select the right sensor to install is never easy. There are many suppliers and manufacturers manufacturing quality equipment. Each device you select should be specific to the area of installation.  

You have to consider size, weight and other dimension related aspects. It is also important to consider the history of the supplier and manufacturer. 


  • Always ensure you go with suppliers who have experienced engineers
  • They should meet your evaluation requirements
  • You may also have to collect data related to the device performance

Based on your research you can select the best seismic cable and equipment. Many other factors can make the selection process more challenging.


Ø  Precision and accuracy

You cannot compromise with the precision and accuracy of the equipment and device. The process of selection becomes difficult as most measuring devices in the market are precise and accurate. 

You may have to collect the performance data from the supplier. The moment you test the device for precision, it should be able to detect minor deflection in the reading. This is why the selection part becomes challenging as each device will be highly precise.


Ø  Favorable environment

All devices may not be designed to perform under different environmental conditions. This means that you have to select a device that is ideal for specific work conditions. You will also come across devices that are designed to out-perform under unfavorable conditions.

You can always consult the best suppliers in the industry so the selection is easy. You have to focus on many environmental conditions including humidity, chemicals, vibration changes, temperature difference and more.


Ø  Right power source

Any measuring device will need an external power source to generate accurate results. You have to consider the power source. All types of devices may not work on the same power input.

Before you select the sensor device you have to consider the input power source. If you are using an external battery source then calculating the input power rating is important. This part should always be left out for the expert team of engineers.


Ø  Signal type

Do you want the device to produce a signal graph or typed data? In both cases, your selection will change. You can also search for a seismic sensor supplier online and then decide.

If you need to collect enormous reading every minute, then you need a very precise device. Even the cables have to be top quality. The device you select should not record data and vibrations that are not needed.

It is best to consult professionals before you make your choice. You can compare multiple sensor devices for output signal and then decide.


Ø  Data format

It is also never easy to decide the right data format you may need at the end. Some devices will produce analogue while others will produce digital data. It generally depends on the type of data format you need.

The device should eliminate errors the moment it converts data from one format to another. Before you make your choice it is important to focus on the above-mentioned factors. 


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