
Showing posts from August, 2022

Why You Need Smart Geophysical Tool Suppliers For Oilfields?

  The Ukraine war has changed the energy equation in the world as sanctions take a toll both on the EU and Russia; there is a deadlock in the EU. The EU member states are mulling over how to ration oil in the coming winter, it looks like and it is going to be long and painful winter. The fact is that as the sanctions and Russian oil embargo dominate the market, things are getting dire because the energy crisis can lead to a disastrous state of global affairs. OPEC is gearing up to increase oil production. That means all the oil and gas producers should be ready to pump more oil to compensate for the loss of production that Russia is facing due to sanctions on technology in the oil and gas industry. Ø   Empower your oilfields with smart tools; If you are into drilling oil, then you need to make sure that all your tools are n the right order, which would mean that you have to get the best tools. That means you should be looking for the best places for geophysical equipment...